Real Property Management New York Gold

How Renters Can Go Green: A Beginner’s Guide to Composting

Composting is a simple and effective activity that everyone, regardless of their lifestyle, can implement. Instead of letting organic waste decompose in dumps and release methane, we can compost food scraps and yard trimmings to make nutrient-rich soil for plants.

Choose Your Composting Method

Before you get started, decide which composting method is most suited to your living situation. For renters, space and convenience are primary standards. Luckily, there are numerous choices to select from:

  • Outdoor compost bin: If you can access outdoor space, think about purchasing a compost bin or tumbler. These come in a variety of sizes and shapes, allowing you to pick one that meets your demands and visual needs.
  • Indoor composting: Don’t have a backyard? It’s not an issue! Indoor composting systems, such as worm bins or countertop composters, are ideal for apartment residents or those with limited outdoor space. They’re tiny, odorless, and simple to keep clean.

Find the Perfect Spot

Choose a spot that receives partial sunlight and has sufficient drainage for exterior bins. Never set it directly against your home or near vulnerable locations like water sources.

If you choose indoor composting, search for a convenient spot in your kitchen or utility area. Think about availability and ventilation to ensure your composting system stays healthy and odorless.

Gather Your Materials

You will require a combination of “greens” (nitrogen-rich materials such as fruit and vegetable scraps) and “browns” (carbon-rich materials such as dried leaves or newspaper). Aim for around 1 part greens to 1 part browns to keep a balanced compost pile.

What Can and Cannot Be Composted

Compostable Materials: Yes, Please!

  • Fruit and vegetable scraps
  • Coffee grounds and filters
  • Eggshells
  • Yard waste (grass clippings, leaves, etc.)
  • Shredded paper or cardboard (in moderation)

These materials will break down over time, contributing vital nutrients to your compost pile and aiding in the creation of nutrient-rich soil for your plants.

Non-Compostable Materials: Keep Out!

  • Meat and dairy products
  • Greasy or oily foods
  • Pet waste
  • Diseased plants or weeds
  • Plastic or metal

These items can attract pests, emit bad scents, or bring hazardous germs into your compost pile. It’s preferable to get rid of them using alternative methods, such as recycling or regular trash collection.

Maintaining Your Compost

Turn, Turn, Turn: Regularly turning your compost pile helps aerate it and speed up decomposition. Try to move your pile once to twice a week with a pitchfork or shovel.

Monitor Moisture: Your compost pile should feel like a damp sponge – not too dry or wet. If the mixture is too dry, add water; if it’s too wet, add additional brown to absorb the extra moisture.

Indoor Composting Methods for Renters

Limited outdoor space? No problem! Indoor composting methods are ideal for renters who desire to reduce waste without sacrificing convenience.

  • Worm Bins: Vermicomposting, or composting with worms, is a compact and smell-free method to compost indoors. Add your food scraps to the bin and let the worms manage their thing. In addition, worm castings produce great fertilizer for houseplants!
  • Countertop Composters: Countertop composters are a practical choice for those with small rooms. These compact containers fit nicely on your kitchen counter and employ aerobic composting to decompose food leftovers rapidly and effectively.

With these indoor composting methods, renters can simply incorporate composting into their everyday lives and positively impact the environment – all from the convenience of their homes.

Benefits for Rental Properties

Did you realize that composting can benefit renters and the rental property itself? Encouraging composting at your rental property can make it a more ecological and enticing place for your tenants. Here are a couple of methods composting can improve your rental property:

  • Improved Soil Quality: In properties with yards, compost adds essential nutrients to the soil, supporting healthier plant growth and improving landscaping aesthetics.
  • Reduced Waste Management Costs: Composting can help reduce waste management costs for rental properties by redirecting organic material from landfills.
  • Enhanced Community Engagement: In multi-unit apartment buildings, composting initiatives can create a sense of community among tenants and highlight the property’s dedication to ecology.

Well done, you’re now a composting expert! By performing the easy actions suggested in this tutorial, you’ve made a significant contribution towards reducing waste, promoting the environment, and producing healthier soil for your plants.


Whether you’re composting in a backyard or a high-rise apartment, there’s an ideal solution. So, what are you waiting for? Get your compost bucket and begin converting kitchen scraps into garden gold now!

Are you prepared to take your next move towards ecological living? Contact Real Property Management New York Gold for all your rental requirements. We offer a wide variety of rental properties in the Flushing area and surrounding areas. Contact us today through our online platform or browse our available rental listings to discover your ideal house and begin composting in your very own space!